Here is SA ISM I #ism

Apple Music
SA ISM by Social Ambitions ask you this
Your ism?
Some suggestions to get you going.
Sexism, racism, nudism, kubism, buddhism and futurism.
Feminism, islamism, sadism, minimalism and relativism.
Industrialism, communism, satanism, nationalism, shamanism and fatalism.
Funkism, loveism, danceism, hateism and stupidism.
Dragonism, witchism… saism
The ism and you
There are rules for everyone. The are concepts and dogmas. Need more isms?
What is your ism?
About the music
Scientifically, soulfully and mystically approved by the council of SA and the saism dogma.
The first part, SA ISM I, will be available on all relevant digital and subconscious distribution utilities in July 2016.
Best Regards,
Social Ambitions